Message ID: 1020
Process ID: 4252
Server 2008
SCCM 2007 SP1
Remote SQL 2008 DB
SMS Site Component Manager failed to reinstall this component on this site system.
Solution: Review the previous status messages to determine the exact reason for the failure. SMS Site Component Manager will automatically retry the reinstallation in 60 minutes. To force SMS Site Component Manager to immediately retry the reinstallation, stop and restart SMS Site Component Manager using the SMS Service Manager.
Probao sam da rešim problem sa:
Ali Hot Fix nije radio.
I evo šta sam na kraju uradio:
Otvorio sam ConfigMgr root (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager) I pronašao Install.MAP
Otvorio sam taj fajl u NOTEPAD-u i pronašao deo SMS_SITE_SQL_BACKUP I odma ispod BEGIN_COMPONENT_FILELIST dela, trebalo bi da se nalazi:
FILE <smssqlbkup.exe><1><766496>
Udaljenom SQL Serveru treba I srvboot.exe file ali ga tu nije bilo, tako da sam ja samo dodao još jedan red odma ispod, I to:
FILE <srvboot.exe><0><219904>
I samim tim mi se ova greška vise nije javljala I sve je radilo kako treba
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